Black diamond icon—NetStumbler 4.0 user interface

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Black diamond icon—NetStumbler 4.0 user interface

Postby rseward » Mon Sep 20, 2004 12:08 pm

[For the Newbie or Software FAQ forums]
Can someone point me in the right direction for a list of icons in Netstumbler 4.0 and the meaning of a black diamond icon: Under NetStumbler’s list of SSIDs in my area, for example, my base station appears with a green dot. Periodically there is a dotted line from the SSID list to a green dot with my correct MAC address as well as a dotted line to a mysterious black diamond. I’ve checked the documentation (i.e., help, user interface) as well as various forum links and FAQs and done a search on various key words without avail. Next time I'll take a screen shot.

Ideas? Explanation is welcome. Thanks to more experienced users.

Base station involved: Buffalo/Melco AirStation w/ local router (U.S. model)
Mini Stumbler
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Joined: Tue Aug 13, 2002 2:19 pm
Location: Tokyo and NYC

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