Help choosing an antenna

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Help choosing an antenna

Postby FindingEmo » Wed Jul 07, 2004 2:47 pm

Ok, I'm sure this is going to get some flames, and for that I'm sorry. I HAVE searched, in fact I've been searching for the past couple hours, and just can't seem to find a difinitive answer anywhere, so I thought I'd start my own thread.

I have just recently gotten into wardriving, and am looking to buy at least one antenna for my orinoco classic gold card. After searching I've decided that pretty much everyone recommends so I've been looking at their stuff. I was thinking about getting one of their omni directional blade antennas and taping it to the top of my laptop for when I'm out and about (not in my car), but would still like to get another more powerfull antenna for when I'm driving. I don't want to spend a fortune, but at the same time want a decent antenna. I saw one 5dBi magnetic mount antenna for $59.99 at fab-corp, but then right below it was a 5.5dBi one for only $15.25. Is the cheaper one crappy? Any suggestions would be helpful. Thank you.
Mini Stumbler
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