Determining IP w/ethereal

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Determining IP w/ethereal ?

Postby fastlanwan » Sun Jun 27, 2004 8:39 am

I've read some posts here on determining ip via a packet sniffer, specifically Ethereal. In the post, it suggested turning promicious mode "'Off" to see other ip networks. In the "off" setting all I see is my local net. i.e If I'm and my friends (we have a bet with each other - no $) AP is what ethereal settings do I need to verify are on or off to see the other ip net?

All I can tell now is his MAC addy, mfg, channel and wep is on. By using ethereal how can I gather more information? Or any Windows ip/mac utilities?

I'm not looking for any cracking advice, just information leakage tips with the tools I have. (Netstumbler and Ethereal).

Only Netstumbler can see the other AP, my client app can't see it, so I can't use that either and its a weak signal.

Thanks any info,

Mini Stumbler
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