Okay, I'm new here, and I would definitely qualify as a n00b, so please don't be mad if this is a stupid question.
I'm trying to play my two GameCubes online using Warp Pipe (http://www.warppipe.com). Anyone who's used Warp Pipe will know that GameCube LAN games are very intolerant of latency; anything over 30ms total will noticibly slow down the game, which means people on a different ISP or a different continent are out right there. I want to use my laptop to run Warp Pipe wirelessly, but I have discovered that the latency of a ping to my router wirelessly is around 22ms. This is obviously unacceptable, since that will have a major effect on the game. I have WEP enabled (not sure if it's 64 or 128 bits), and I've been told that disabling WEP would reduce the latency by a lot. However, I don't want to do that, as my network is already insecure enough as it is, and I don't want to invite people to sniff my network, etc.
So, I'm hoping there's a better way to reduce the latency. I've read that AES is more efficient than RC4, and that therefore a WPA2-compatible router and card would reduce the latency. Is this true, and what could I expect the latency to be with WPA2? If it matters, my laptop is usually about 15-20 feet from my router, and there are two walls between them.
Thanks in advance.