Wireless Network Access

Moderators: Chris, aFR, Mother, audit, G8tK33per, Thorn, bks

Wireless Network Access

Postby Thorn » Fri Mar 12, 2004 6:38 am

Under a number of State and Federal laws, accessing a network without permission of the owner is ILLEGAL. This board is NOT the place to be asking about illegal access of wireless networks. Most other countries outside the US have similar laws.

Those who frequent these forums and discuss the use of NetStumber include hobbyists, wireless tech professionals, systems administrators, and info security specialists. Thieves are not among them. Network Stumbler (aka NetStumbler) and MiniStumbler are used by these people for various purposes such as detecting rogue AP's, finding networks and posting them to databases and mapping them, etc. They are not using NetStumbler to find networks for illegally accessing networks, nor do they advocate illegal access.

If you have come here seeking information on illegal activities, take this as a warning. Those who come in requesting information on theft of services will not be tolerated. The thread will be closed and the offending member may be banned at the discretion of the Admistrators and Moderators.

It has come to the attention of the people who run http://www.netstumbler.com and www.netstumbler.org, that a certain technically-oriented TV show* has recently pointed to this site as someplace to come for information on illegally accessing wireless networks.

Regardless of what may or may not have been said on any TV showthis board is NOT the place to be asking about illegal access of wireless networks.

*Not having seen it myself, I'm not about to say exactly which show, in case the specific information is not correct.
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